Community Driven is a joint project of the Lancefield and Romsey Neighbourhood Houses, with the aim to provide an affordable and flexible volunteer transport option for people in the community who have transport needs.
The Health Transport program is a door-to-door service which supports community members to access any health appointments .
The ShareRide program offers a group transport service to different locations on set days aiming to keep people mobile and connected. It can be used for social activities, shopping and non medical appointments – click on ‘Share Ride for available trips. Pick up can be from your home or selected locations around both Romsey and Lancefield.

Get In Touch
5429 1214 or 5429 6724
Make a Booking

As part of this project a survey of community members and service providers found:
- 96% of respondents identified the need to travel outside the area for medical appointments.
- 43% have missed or delayed appointments due to travel constraints.
- The majority of residents are driving themselves or getting friend/family to drive them to appointments.
- The most accessed areas for medical appointments are Kilmore, Sunbury and Melbourne. These are also the locations people find most difficult to get to.
- 54% have used public transport, only 20% have used public transport to attend medical appointments.
- Most residents report the public transport schedule either does not support social or medical activities, or they are simply unaware of the available services.
- Local doctors report significant trouble sourcing transport for patients and often reschedule or delay important appointments due to inadequate options.
As a result, Romsey and Lancefield Neighbourhood House implemented the Lancefield Romsey Community Transport Program (LRCTP) to transport vulnerable local residents to medical appointments. The core mission of LRCTP was to support emotional, physical and social wellbeing within our community. There are many social and economic circumstances that can impact a person’s wellbeing, and LRCTP aimed to address these issues by providing a grass roots, door to door, volunteer driver based transport program to connect people to health based services.
Funding was received to research the project further. As a result the name ‘Community Driven’ was adopted and work was undertaken to develop the Share ride component of the project.

From late 2019 to early 2022, (with the project being closed for most of 2020 due to COVID), over 400 people have been provided transport to medical appointments by a pool of 15-20 drivers. Click here for information about being a volunteer driver.
In 2022 Share Ride was launched using a community car provided through Bendigo Bank funding support.
Contact Us Today
Neighbourhood Houses
Lancefield Neighbourhood House
5429 1214
Romsey Neighbourhood House
5429 6724